Promote shoyu and miso from Gunma Prefecture
Activity Contents
No.01Commitment to ensure Security and Safety
We provide association members matters related to regulations and allergy and additive labeling information so that members can manufacture shoyu and miso safely. We also work with shoyu factory inspectors and licensed shoyu labeling instructors to address safe working environments.
No.02Education and Training
We provide educational information regarding technologies and law amendments. We also hold seminars for members as necessary.
No.03Project for Wide Distribution
We provide suggestions for how to use our members’ products through X and Instagram. We also work with designated “Gunma shoyu miso ambassadors” of local agricultural high schools and public consumers to work actively in various fields. We are currently working with local high school students to develop new recipes and specialty food items with our members’ products. We are looking forward to commercializing what we have been working on, such as Madeleines and Financiers with shoyu and Flans and traditional Japanese cake (wagashi) with miso. In addition, we request ambassadors to post recipes and cooking images on social media using products provided by the association.